Source code for vtra.failure.national_failure_transfers

"""Estimate tonnage shifts from one mode onto others
import ast
import copy
import csv
import itertools
import math
import operator
import os
import sys
from collections import Counter

import igraph as ig
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from vtra.utils import *
from vtra.transport_flow_and_failure_functions import *

[docs]def main(): """Estimate modal shifts Specify the paths from where you want to read and write: 1. Input data 2. Intermediate calcuations data 3. Output results Supply input data and parameters 1. Names of modes List of strings 2. Unit weight of vehicle assumed for each mode List of float types 3. Range of usage factors for each mode to represent uncertainty in cost estimations List of tuples of float types 4. Min-max names of names of different types of attributes - paths, distance, time, cost, vehicles, tons List of string types 5. Names of commodity/industry columns for which min-max tonnage column names already exist List of string types 6. Percentage of OD flows that are assumed disrupted List of float type 7. Condition on whether analysis is single failure or multiple failure Boolean condition True or False Give the paths to the input data files: 1. Network edges Excel and shapefiles 2. OD flows Excel file 3. Costs of modes Excel file 4. Road properties Excel file 5. Failure scenarios Excel file """ data_path, calc_path, output_path = load_config()['paths']['data'], load_config()[ 'paths']['calc'], load_config()['paths']['output'] # Supply input data and parameters modes = ['road', 'rail','inland'] types = ['min', 'max'] percentage = [10] single_edge = True # Give the paths to the input data files network_data_path = os.path.join(data_path,'post_processed_networks') all_fail_scenarios = os.path.join(output_path,'failure_results','all_fail_scenarios') # Specify the output files and paths to be created shp_output_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'failure_shapefiles') if os.path.exists(shp_output_path) == False: os.mkdir(shp_output_path) minmax_combine = os.path.join(output_path,'failure_results','minmax_combined_scenarios') if os.path.exists(minmax_combine) == False: os.mkdir(minmax_combine) # Create theee multi-modal networks print ('* Creating multi-modal networks') G_multi_df = [] for m in range(len(modes)): # Load mode igraph network and GeoDataFrame print ('* Loading {} igraph network and GeoDataFrame'.format(modes[m])) gdf_edges = gpd.read_file(os.path.join(network_data_path,'{}_edges.shp'.format(modes[m])),encoding='utf-8') G_multi_df.append(gdf_edges[['edge_id','geometry']]) del gdf_edges # Get the modal shares fail_mode = ['road','rail'] for m in range(len(fail_mode)): for perct in percentage: edge_fail_ranges = [] for t in range(len(types)): mode_dict = {'road': {}, 'rail': {}, 'waterways': {}} if single_edge == True: file_name = 'single_edge_failures_all_national_{0}_{1}_{2}_percent_disrupt_multi_modal.csv'.format(modes[m], types[t],int(perct)) else: file_name = 'multiple_edge_failures_all_national_{0}_{1}_{2}_percent_disrupt_multi_modal.csv'.format(modes[m], types[t],int(perct)) df_path = os.path.join(all_fail_scenarios,file_name) flow_df_select = pd.read_csv(df_path).fillna(0) flow_df_select = flow_df_select[[ 'origin', 'destination', 'new_path', '{}_tons'.format(types[t])]] print('Old number of paths', len(flow_df_select.index)) flow_df_select = flow_df_select.drop_duplicates( subset=['origin', 'destination', 'new_path'], keep='first') print('New Number of paths', len(flow_df_select.index)) for iter_, row in flow_df_select.iterrows(): new_path = ast.literal_eval(row['new_path']) if new_path: for p in new_path: if 'road' in p: if p in (mode_dict['road'].keys()): mode_dict['road'][p].append( (row['origin'], row['destination'], row['{}_tons'.format(types[t])])) else: mode_dict['road'][p] = [ (row['origin'], row['destination'], row['{}_tons'.format(types[t])])] elif 'rail' in p: if p in (mode_dict['rail'].keys()): mode_dict['rail'][p].append( (row['origin'], row['destination'], row['{}_tons'.format(types[t])])) else: mode_dict['rail'][p] = [ (row['origin'], row['destination'], row['{}_tons'.format(types[t])])] elif 'water' in p: if p in (mode_dict['waterways'].keys()): mode_dict['waterways'][p].append( (row['origin'], row['destination'], row['{}_tons'.format(types[t])])) else: mode_dict['waterways'][p] = [ (row['origin'], row['destination'], row['{}_tons'.format(types[t])])] del flow_df_select edge_impact = [] for key, values in mode_dict.items(): values_tup_list = [] for a, b in values.items(): c = list(set(b)) v = sum([z for (x, y, z) in c]) values_tup_list.append((a, v)) edge_impact.append(pd.DataFrame(values_tup_list, columns=[ 'edge_id', '{}_tons'.format(types[t])])) edge_impact = pd.concat(edge_impact, axis=0, sort='False', ignore_index=True) edge_fail_ranges.append(edge_impact) del edge_impact edge_impact = edge_fail_ranges[0] edge_impact = pd.merge(edge_impact, edge_fail_ranges[1], how='left', on=[ 'edge_id']).fillna(0) edge_impact = rearrange_minmax_values(edge_impact) df_path = os.path.join(minmax_combine, 'single_edge_failures_transfers_national_{0}_{1}_percent_shift.csv'.format(fail_mode[m],int(perct))) edge_impact.to_csv(df_path, index=False)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()