Source code for vtra.failure_scenario_selection.collect_network_hazard_scenarios_provincial

"""Collect network hazard scenarios
import os
import sys

import pandas as pd
from vtra.utils import load_config
from vtra.failure_scenario_selection.hazard_network_scenarios import (

[docs]def main(): """Process results 1. Specify the paths from where you to read and write: - Input data - Intermediate calcuations data - Output results 2. Supply input data and parameters - Names of the three Provinces - List of string types - Names of modes - List of strings - Names of output modes - List of strings - Names of hazard bands - List of integers - Names of hazard thresholds - List of integers - Condition 'Yes' or 'No' is the users wants to process results 3. Give the paths to the input data files: - Commune boundary and stats data shapefile - Hazard datasets description Excel file - String name of sheet in hazard datasets description Excel file """ config = load_config() output_path = config['paths']['output'] data_path = config['paths']['data'] # Supply input data and parameters provinces = ['Lao Cai', 'Binh Dinh', 'Thanh Hoa'] start_year = 2016 length_thr = 500.0 cols = [ 'band_num', 'climate_scenario', 'edge_id', 'hazard_type', 'max_val', 'min_val', 'model', 'probability', 'year', 'length' ] index_cols = [ 'edge_id', 'hazard_type', 'model', 'climate_scenario', 'year', 'level', 'terrain', 'surface', 'road_class', 'road_cond', 'asset_type', 'width', 'road_length' ] # Give the paths to the input data files network_data_excel = os.path.join(data_path, 'post_processed_networks') fail_scenarios_data = os.path.join(output_path, 'hazard_scenarios') # Specify the output files and paths to be created output_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'hazard_scenarios') # Process province scale results for province in provinces: # Load mode network DataFrame province_name = province.replace(' ', '').lower() print('* Loading {} network DataFrame'.format(province)) G_df = pd.read_excel(os.path.join(network_data_excel, 'province_roads_edges.xlsx'), sheet_name=province_name, encoding='utf-8') G_df = G_df[['edge_id', 'level', 'terrain', 'surface', 'road_class', 'road_cond', 'asset_type', 'width', 'length']] # Load failure scenarios print('* Loading {} failure scenarios'.format(province)) hazard_scenarios = pd.read_excel( os.path.join(fail_scenarios_data, 'province_roads_hazard_intersections.xlsx'), sheet_name=province_name) hazard_scenarios = hazard_scenarios.drop_duplicates( subset=cols, keep='first') all_edge_fail_scenarios = combine_hazards_and_network_attributes_and_impacts( hazard_scenarios, G_df) print('* Creating {} hazard-network scenarios'.format(province)) scenarios_df = create_hazard_scenarios_for_adaptation( all_edge_fail_scenarios, index_cols, length_thr) df_path = os.path.join(output_dir, 'roads_hazard_intersections_{}_risks.csv'.format(province_name)) scenarios_df.to_csv(df_path, index=False) del scenarios_df
if __name__ == "__main__": main()