Source code for vtra.plot.air_network_flows

"""Air network flows map
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

import as ccrs
import as shpreader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from vtra.utils import *

[docs]def main(): config = load_config() air_edge_file = os.path.join( config['paths']['data'], 'Results', 'Flow_shapefiles', 'weighted_edges_flows_national_air.shp') color = '#000000' color_by_type = {'Air Line': color} crop_cols = ['max_rice', 'max_cash', 'max_cass', 'max_teas', 'max_maiz', 'max_rubb', 'max_swpo', 'max_acof', 'max_rcof', 'max_pepp'] ind_cols = ['max_sugar', 'max_wood', 'max_steel', 'max_constr', 'max_cement', 'max_fertil', 'max_coal', 'max_petrol', 'max_manufa', 'max_fisher', 'max_meat', 'max_tons'] columns = crop_cols + ind_cols column_label_divisors = {c: 1 for c in columns} legend_label = "AADF (tons/day)" title_cols = ['Rice', 'Cashew', 'Cassava', 'Teas', 'Maize', 'Rubber', 'Sweet Potatoes', 'Coffee Arabica', 'Coffee Robusta', 'Pepper', 'Sugar', 'Wood', 'Steel', 'Construction materials', 'Cement', 'Fertilizer', 'Coal', 'Petroleum', 'Manufacturing', 'Fishery', 'Meat', 'Total tonnage'] for c in range(len(columns)): ax = get_axes() plot_basemap(ax, config['paths']['data']) scale_bar(ax, location=(0.8, 0.05)) plot_basemap_labels(ax, config['paths']['data']) proj_lat_lon = ccrs.PlateCarree() column = columns[c] weights = [ record.attributes[column] for record in shpreader.Reader(air_edge_file).records() ] max_weight = max(weights) width_by_range = generate_weight_bins(weights) geoms_by_range = {} for value_range in width_by_range: geoms_by_range[value_range] = [] for record in shpreader.Reader(air_edge_file).records(): val = record.attributes[column] geom = record.geometry if val > 0: # only add edges that carry this commodity for nmin, nmax in geoms_by_range: if nmin <= val and val < nmax: geoms_by_range[(nmin, nmax)].append(geom) # plot for range_, width in width_by_range.items(): ax.add_geometries( [geom.buffer(width) for geom in geoms_by_range[range_]], crs=proj_lat_lon, edgecolor='none', facecolor=color, zorder=2) x_l = 102.3 x_r = x_l + 0.4 base_y = 14 y_step = 0.4 y_text_nudge = 0.1 x_text_nudge = 0.1 ax.text( x_l, base_y + y_step - y_text_nudge, legend_label, horizontalalignment='left', transform=proj_lat_lon, size=10) divisor = column_label_divisors[column] for (i, ((nmin, nmax), width)) in enumerate(width_by_range.items()): y = base_y - (i*y_step) line = LineString([(x_l, y), (x_r, y)]) ax.add_geometries( [line.buffer(width)], crs=proj_lat_lon, linewidth=0, edgecolor=color, facecolor=color, zorder=2) if nmin == max_weight: label = '>{:.2f}'.format(max_weight/divisor) else: label = '{:.2f}-{:.2f}'.format(nmin/divisor, nmax/divisor) ax.text( x_r + x_text_nudge, y - y_text_nudge, label, horizontalalignment='left', transform=proj_lat_lon, size=10) plt.title(title_cols[c], fontsize=14) output_file = os.path.join(config['paths']['figures'], 'air_flow-map-{}.png'.format(column)) save_fig(output_file) plt.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': main()