Source code for vtra.plot.national_rail_risks

"""Rail hazard exposure maps
import os
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict

import ast
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import as ccrs
import as shpreader
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from vtra.utils import *

[docs]def main(): config = load_config() hazard_cols = ['hazard_type','climate_scenario','year'] duration = 10 hazard_set = [ { 'hazard': 'landslide', 'name': 'Landslide' }, { 'hazard': 'flashflood', 'name':'Flashflood' }, { 'hazard': 'flooding', 'name': 'Fluvial flooding' }, { 'hazard': 'typhoon flooding', 'name': 'Typhoon flooding' } ] change_colors = ['#1a9850','#66bd63','#a6d96a','#d9ef8b','#fee08b','#fdae61','#f46d43','#d73027','#969696'] change_labels = ['< -40','-40 to -20','-20 to -10','-10 to 0','0 to 10','10 to 20','20 to 40',' > 40','No change/value'] change_ranges = [(-1e10,-40),(-40,-20),(-20,-10),(-10,0),(0.001,10),(10,20),(20,40),(40,1e10)] eael_set = [ { 'column': 'min_eael', 'title': 'Min EAEL', 'legend_label': "Expected Annual losses (million USD)", 'divisor': 1000000, 'significance': 0 }, { 'column': 'max_eael', 'title': 'Max EAEL', 'legend_label': "Expected Annual losses (million USD)", 'divisor': 1000000, 'significance': 0 } ] adapt_set = [ { 'column': 'min_eael', 'title': 'Min EAEL', 'legend_label': "Expected Annual losses (million USD)", 'divisor': 1000000, 'significance': 0 }, { 'column': 'max_eael', 'title': 'Max EAEL', 'legend_label': "Expected Annual losses (million USD)", 'divisor': 1000000, 'significance': 0 }, ] region_file_path = os.path.join(config['paths']['data'], 'post_processed_networks', 'rail_edges.shp') flow_file_path = os.path.join(config['paths']['output'], 'failure_results','minmax_combined_scenarios', 'single_edge_failures_minmax_national_rail_100_percent_disrupt.csv') region_file = gpd.read_file(region_file_path,encoding='utf-8') flow_file = pd.read_csv(flow_file_path) region_file = pd.merge(region_file,flow_file,how='left', on=['edge_id']).fillna(0) del flow_file flow_file_path = os.path.join(config['paths']['output'], 'hazard_scenarios', 'national_rail_hazard_intersections_risks.csv') fail_scenarios = pd.read_csv(flow_file_path) fail_scenarios = pd.merge(fail_scenarios,region_file[['edge_id','min_econ_impact','max_econ_impact']],how='left', on=['edge_id']).fillna(0) fail_scenarios['min_eael'] = duration*fail_scenarios['min_duration_wt']*fail_scenarios['risk_wt']*fail_scenarios['min_econ_impact'] fail_scenarios['max_eael'] = duration*fail_scenarios['max_duration_wt']*fail_scenarios['risk_wt']*fail_scenarios['max_econ_impact'] all_edge_fail_scenarios = fail_scenarios[hazard_cols + ['edge_id','min_eael','max_eael']] all_edge_fail_scenarios = all_edge_fail_scenarios.groupby(hazard_cols + ['edge_id'])['min_eael','max_eael'].max().reset_index() # Climate change effects all_edge_fail_scenarios = all_edge_fail_scenarios.set_index(['hazard_type','edge_id']) scenarios = list(set(all_edge_fail_scenarios.index.values.tolist())) change_tup = [] for sc in scenarios: eael = all_edge_fail_scenarios.loc[[sc], 'max_eael'].values.tolist() yrs = all_edge_fail_scenarios.loc[[sc], 'year'].values.tolist() cl = all_edge_fail_scenarios.loc[[sc], 'climate_scenario'].values.tolist() if 2016 not in yrs: change_tup += list(zip([sc[0]]*len(cl),[sc[1]]*len(cl),cl,yrs,[0]*len(cl),eael,[1e9]*len(cl))) elif len(yrs) > 1: vals = list(zip(cl,eael,yrs)) vals = sorted(vals, key=lambda pair: pair[-1]) change = 100.0*(np.array([p for (c,p,y) in vals[1:]]) - vals[0][1])/vals[0][1] cl = [c for (c,p,y) in vals[1:]] yrs = [y for (c,p,y) in vals[1:]] fut = [p for (c,p,y) in vals[1:]] change_tup += list(zip([sc[0]]*len(cl),[sc[1]]*len(cl),cl,yrs,[vals[0][1]]*len(cl),fut,change)) change_df = pd.DataFrame(change_tup,columns=['hazard_type','edge_id','climate_scenario','year','current','future','change']) change_df.to_csv(os.path.join(config['paths']['output'], 'network_stats', 'national_rails_eael_climate_change.csv' ), index=False )
# # Change effects # change_df = change_df.set_index(hazard_cols) # scenarios = list(set(change_df.index.values.tolist())) # for sc in scenarios: # hazard_type = sc[0] # climate_scenario = sc[1] # year = sc[2] # percentage = change_df.loc[[sc], 'change'].values.tolist() # edges = change_df.loc[[sc], 'edge_id'].values.tolist() # edges_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(edges,percentage)),columns=['edge_id','change']) # edges_vals = pd.merge(region_file,edges_df,how='left',on=['edge_id']).fillna(0) # del percentage,edges,edges_df # ax = get_axes() # plot_basemap(ax, config['paths']['data'], highlight_region=[]) # scale_bar(ax, location=(0.8, 0.05)) # plot_basemap_labels(ax, config['paths']['data'],plot_international_left=False) # proj = ccrs.PlateCarree() # name = [c['name'] for c in hazard_set if c['hazard'] == hazard_type][0] # for iter_,record in edges_vals.iterrows(): # geom = record.geometry # region_val = record.change # if region_val: # cl = [c for c in range(len((change_ranges))) if region_val >= change_ranges[c][0] and region_val < change_ranges[c][1]] # if cl: # c = cl[0] # ax.add_geometries([geom],crs=proj,linewidth=1.5,edgecolor=change_colors[c],facecolor='none',zorder=2) # else: # ax.add_geometries([geom], crs=proj, linewidth=1.5,edgecolor=change_colors[-1],facecolor='none',zorder=1) # # Legend # legend_handles = [] # for c in range(len(change_colors)): # legend_handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=change_colors[c], label=change_labels[c])) # ax.legend( # handles=legend_handles, # title='Percentage change in EAEL', # loc='center left' # ) # if climate_scenario == 'none': # climate_scenario = 'current' # else: # climate_scenario = climate_scenario.upper() # title = 'Percentage change in EAEL for {} {} {}'.format(name,climate_scenario,year) # print(" * Plotting {}".format(title)) # plt.title(title, fontsize=14) # output_file = os.path.join(config['paths']['figures'], # 'national-rail-{}-{}-{}-risks-change-percentage.png'.format(name,climate_scenario.replace('.',''),year)) # save_fig(output_file) # plt.close() # # Absolute effects # all_edge_fail_scenarios = all_edge_fail_scenarios.reset_index() # all_edge_fail_scenarios = all_edge_fail_scenarios.set_index(hazard_cols) # scenarios = list(set(all_edge_fail_scenarios.index.values.tolist())) # for sc in scenarios: # hazard_type = sc[0] # climate_scenario = sc[1] # if climate_scenario == 'none': # climate_scenario = 'current' # else: # climate_scenario = climate_scenario.upper() # year = sc[2] # min_eael = all_edge_fail_scenarios.loc[[sc], 'min_eael'].values.tolist() # max_eael = all_edge_fail_scenarios.loc[[sc], 'max_eael'].values.tolist() # edges = all_edge_fail_scenarios.loc[[sc], 'edge_id'].values.tolist() # edges_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(edges,min_eael,max_eael)),columns=['edge_id','min_eael','max_eael']) # edges_vals = pd.merge(region_file,edges_df,how='left',on=['edge_id']).fillna(0) # del edges_df # for c in range(len(eael_set)): # ax = get_axes() # plot_basemap(ax, config['paths']['data'], highlight_region=[]) # scale_bar(ax, location=(0.8, 0.05)) # plot_basemap_labels(ax, config['paths']['data'],plot_international_left=False) # proj_lat_lon = ccrs.PlateCarree() # # generate weight bins # column = eael_set[c]['column'] # weights = [record[column] for iter_, record in edges_vals.iterrows()] # max_weight = max(weights) # width_by_range = generate_weight_bins(weights) # rail_geoms_by_category = { # '1': [], # '2': [] # } # for iter_,record in edges_vals.iterrows(): # geom = record.geometry # val = record[column] # if val == 0: # cat = '2' # else: # cat = '1' # buffered_geom = None # for (nmin, nmax), width in width_by_range.items(): # if nmin <= val and val < nmax: # buffered_geom = geom.buffer(width) # if buffered_geom is not None: # rail_geoms_by_category[cat].append(buffered_geom) # else: # print("Feature was outside range to plot", iter_) # styles = OrderedDict([ # ('1', Style(color='#006d2c', zindex=9, label='Hazard failure effect')), # green # ('2', Style(color='#969696', zindex=7, label='No hazard exposure/effect')) # ]) # for cat, geoms in rail_geoms_by_category.items(): # cat_style = styles[cat] # ax.add_geometries( # geoms, # crs=proj_lat_lon, # linewidth=0, # facecolor=cat_style.color, # edgecolor='none', # zorder=cat_style.zindex # ) # name = [h['name'] for h in hazard_set if h['hazard'] == hazard_type][0] # x_l = 102.3 # x_r = x_l + 0.4 # base_y = 14 # y_step = 0.4 # y_text_nudge = 0.1 # x_text_nudge = 0.1 # ax.text( # x_l, # base_y + y_step - y_text_nudge, # eael_set[c]['legend_label'], # horizontalalignment='left', # transform=proj_lat_lon, # size=10) # divisor = eael_set[c]['divisor'] # significance_ndigits = eael_set[c]['significance'] # max_sig = [] # for (i, ((nmin, nmax), line_style)) in enumerate(width_by_range.items()): # if round(nmin/divisor, significance_ndigits) < round(nmax/divisor, significance_ndigits): # max_sig.append(significance_ndigits) # elif round(nmin/divisor, significance_ndigits+1) < round(nmax/divisor, significance_ndigits+1): # max_sig.append(significance_ndigits+1) # elif round(nmin/divisor, significance_ndigits+2) < round(nmax/divisor, significance_ndigits+2): # max_sig.append(significance_ndigits+2) # else: # max_sig.append(significance_ndigits+3) # significance_ndigits = max(max_sig) # for (i, ((nmin, nmax), width)) in enumerate(width_by_range.items()): # y = base_y - (i*y_step) # line = LineString([(x_l, y), (x_r, y)]).buffer(width) # ax.add_geometries( # [line], # crs=proj_lat_lon, # linewidth=0, # edgecolor='#000000', # facecolor='#000000', # zorder=2) # if nmin == max_weight: # value_template = '>{:.' + str(significance_ndigits) + 'f}' # label = value_template.format( # round(max_weight/divisor, significance_ndigits)) # else: # value_template = '{:.' + str(significance_ndigits) + \ # 'f}-{:.' + str(significance_ndigits) + 'f}' # label = value_template.format( # round(nmin/divisor, significance_ndigits), round(nmax/divisor, significance_ndigits)) # ax.text( # x_r + x_text_nudge, # y - y_text_nudge, # label, # horizontalalignment='left', # transform=proj_lat_lon, # size=10) # title = 'National rail ({}) {} {} {}'.format(eael_set[c]['title'],name,climate_scenario,year) # print ('* Plotting ',title) # plt.title(title, fontsize=14) # legend_from_style_spec(ax, styles,loc='center left') # # output # output_file = os.path.join( # config['paths']['figures'], 'national-rails-{}-{}-{}-{}.png'.format(name,climate_scenario.replace('.',''),year,eael_set[c]['column'])) # save_fig(output_file) # plt.close() # all_edge_fail_scenarios = fail_scenarios[['edge_id','min_eael','max_eael']] # all_edge_fail_scenarios = all_edge_fail_scenarios.groupby(['edge_id'])[['min_eael','max_eael']].max().reset_index() # edges_vals = pd.merge(region_file,all_edge_fail_scenarios,how='left',on=['edge_id']).fillna(0) # for c in range(len(adapt_set)): # ax = get_axes() # plot_basemap(ax, config['paths']['data'], highlight_region=[]) # scale_bar(ax, location=(0.8, 0.05)) # plot_basemap_labels(ax, config['paths']['data'],plot_international_left=False) # proj_lat_lon = ccrs.PlateCarree() # # generate weight bins # column = adapt_set[c]['column'] # weights = [record[column] for iter_, record in edges_vals.iterrows()] # max_weight = max(weights) # width_by_range = generate_weight_bins(weights) # rail_geoms_by_category = { # '1': [], # '2': [] # } # for iter_,record in edges_vals.iterrows(): # geom = record.geometry # val = record[column] # if val == 0: # cat = '2' # else: # cat = '1' # buffered_geom = None # for (nmin, nmax), width in width_by_range.items(): # if nmin <= val and val < nmax: # buffered_geom = geom.buffer(width) # if buffered_geom is not None: # rail_geoms_by_category[cat].append(buffered_geom) # else: # print("Feature was outside range to plot", iter_) # styles = OrderedDict([ # ('1', Style(color='#006d2c', zindex=9, label='Hazard failure effect')), # green # ('2', Style(color='#969696', zindex=7, label='No hazard exposure/effect')) # ]) # for cat, geoms in rail_geoms_by_category.items(): # cat_style = styles[cat] # ax.add_geometries( # geoms, # crs=proj_lat_lon, # linewidth=0, # facecolor=cat_style.color, # edgecolor='none', # zorder=cat_style.zindex # ) # x_l = 102.3 # x_r = x_l + 0.4 # base_y = 14 # y_step = 0.4 # y_text_nudge = 0.1 # x_text_nudge = 0.1 # ax.text( # x_l, # base_y + y_step - y_text_nudge, # adapt_set[c]['legend_label'], # horizontalalignment='left', # transform=proj_lat_lon, # size=10) # divisor = adapt_set[c]['divisor'] # significance_ndigits = adapt_set[c]['significance'] # max_sig = [] # for (i, ((nmin, nmax), line_style)) in enumerate(width_by_range.items()): # if round(nmin/divisor, significance_ndigits) < round(nmax/divisor, significance_ndigits): # max_sig.append(significance_ndigits) # elif round(nmin/divisor, significance_ndigits+1) < round(nmax/divisor, significance_ndigits+1): # max_sig.append(significance_ndigits+1) # elif round(nmin/divisor, significance_ndigits+2) < round(nmax/divisor, significance_ndigits+2): # max_sig.append(significance_ndigits+2) # else: # max_sig.append(significance_ndigits+3) # significance_ndigits = max(max_sig) # for (i, ((nmin, nmax), width)) in enumerate(width_by_range.items()): # y = base_y - (i*y_step) # line = LineString([(x_l, y), (x_r, y)]).buffer(width) # ax.add_geometries( # [line], # crs=proj_lat_lon, # linewidth=0, # edgecolor='#000000', # facecolor='#000000', # zorder=2) # if nmin == max_weight: # value_template = '>{:.' + str(significance_ndigits) + 'f}' # label = value_template.format( # round(max_weight/divisor, significance_ndigits)) # else: # value_template = '{:.' + str(significance_ndigits) + \ # 'f}-{:.' + str(significance_ndigits) + 'f}' # label = value_template.format( # round(nmin/divisor, significance_ndigits), round(nmax/divisor, significance_ndigits)) # ax.text( # x_r + x_text_nudge, # y - y_text_nudge, # label, # horizontalalignment='left', # transform=proj_lat_lon, # size=10) # # plot # title = 'National rail ({})'.format(adapt_set[c]['title']) # print(" * Plotting", title) # plt.title(title, fontsize=14) # legend_from_style_spec(ax, styles,loc='center left') # # output # output_file = os.path.join( # config['paths']['figures'], 'national_rail-{}-values.png'.format(column)) # save_fig(output_file) # plt.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()