Source code for vtra.preprocess.national_modes_od_creation

"""Pre-process OD matrix


Create national scale OD matrices at node and province levels from:
    - VITRANSS2 province-scale OD data
    - IFPRI crop data at 1km resolution

Input data requirements

1. Correct paths to all files and correct input parameters
2. Excel file with VITRANSS2 OD data with columns:
    - o - Integer values of Origin Province ID
    - d - Integer values of Destination Province ID
    - industry and crop names - Float values of tons between OD Provinces
    - modes - Float values to infer model split values for OD Provinces

3. Geotiff files with IFPRI crop data:
    - tons - Float values of production tonnage at each grid cell
    - geometry - Raster grid cell geometry

4. Shapefile of RiceAtlas data:
    - month production columns - tonnage of rice for each month
    - geometry - Shapely Polygon geometry of Provinces

5. Shapefile of Provinces
    - od_id - Integer Province ID corresponding to OD ID
    - name_eng - String name of Province in English
    - geometry - Shapely Polygon geometry of Provinces

6. Shapefile of Communes
    - population - Float values of populations in Communes
    - geometry - Shapely Polygon geometry of Communes

7. Shapefiles of network nodes
    - node_id - String node ID
    - geometry - Shapely point geometry of nodes

8. Shapefiels of network edges
    - vehicle_co - Count of vehiles only for roads
    - geometry - Shapely LineString geometry of edges


1. Excel workbook with sheet of mode-wise and total OD flows
    - origin - String node ID of origin node
    - destination - String node ID of destination node
    - o_region - String names of origin Province
    - d_region - String names of destination Province
    - commodity_names - Float values of daily tonnages of commodities/industries between OD nodes from VITRANSS2 and IFPRI data (except rice)
    - min_rice - Float values of minimum daily tonnages of rice between OD nodes
    - max_rice - Float values of maximum daily tonnages of rice between OD nodes
    - min_tons - Float values of minimum daily tonnages between OD nodes
    - max_tons - Float values of maximum daily tonnages between OD nodes

1. Pant, R., Koks, E.E., Russell, T., Schoenmakers, R. & Hall, J.W. (2018).
   Analysis and development of model for addressing climate change/disaster risks in multi-modal transport networks in Vietnam.
   Final Report, Oxford Infrastructure Analytics Ltd., Oxford, UK.
2. All input data folders and files referred to in the code below.

import os
import subprocess
import sys

import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
from vtra.utils import *

[docs]def vitranss2_od_split(vitranss2_od_data_file,modes,o_id_col,d_id_col): """Create VITRANSS2 OD modal split estimates - Combine the commodity-wise OD values with the mode-wise OD values - Estimate the OD modal-split from the mode-wsie OD values Parameters - vitranss2_od_data_file - Excel file with VITRANSS2 OD data - modes - List of strings of mode types, e.g. ['road', 'rail', 'air', 'inland', 'coastal'] - o_id_col - String name of name of Origin column - d_id_col - String name of name of Destination column Outputs - od_fracs - Pandas dataframe of VITRANSS 2 commodity OD data with modal splits """ od_data_modes = pd.read_excel(vitranss2_od_data_file, sheet_name='mode').fillna(0) od_data_com = pd.read_excel(vitranss2_od_data_file, sheet_name='goods').fillna(0) od_data_modes.columns = map(str.lower, od_data_modes.columns) od_data_modes['total'] = od_data_modes[modes].sum(axis=1) for m in modes: od_data_modes[m] = od_data_modes[m]/od_data_modes['total'].replace(np.inf, 0) od_data_modes = od_data_modes.fillna(0) od_fracs = od_data_modes[[o_id_col,d_id_col] + modes] od_fracs = pd.merge(od_fracs, od_data_com, how='left', on=[o_id_col,d_id_col]).fillna(0) del od_data_modes, od_data_com return od_fracs
[docs]def ifpri_crop_od_split(vitranss2_od_data_file,modes,o_id_col,d_id_col,crop_cols): """Create IFPRI crop OD modal split estimates from VITRANSS2 OD values - Combine the crop-wise OD values with the mode-wise OD values - Estimate the OD modal-split from the mode-wsie OD values Parameters - vitranss2_od_data_file - Excel file with VITRANSS2 OD data - modes - List of strings of mode types, e.g. ['road', 'rail', 'air', 'inland', 'coastal'] - o_id_col - String name of name of Origin column - d_id_col - String name of name of Destination column - crop_cols - List of strings of crop names in VITRANSS 2 OD data Outputs - od_fracs_crops - Pandas dataframe of VITRANSS2 crop OD data with modal splits """ od_data_modes = pd.read_excel(vitranss2_od_data_file, sheet_name='mode').fillna(0) od_data_com = pd.read_excel(vitranss2_od_data_file, sheet_name='goods').fillna(0) od_data_modes.columns = map(str.lower, od_data_modes.columns) od_data_modes['total'] = od_data_modes[modes].sum(axis=1) for m in modes: od_data_modes[m] = od_data_modes[m]/od_data_modes['total'].replace(np.inf, 0) od_data_modes = od_data_modes.fillna(0) od_fracs_crops = od_data_modes[[o_id_col,d_id_col] + modes] for cr in crop_cols: od_data_com_sums = od_data_com.groupby([o_id_col,d_id_col]).agg({cr: 'sum'}) od_com_frac = od_data_com_sums.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: x/float(x.sum())) od_com_frac = od_com_frac.reset_index(level=[o_id_col,d_id_col]) od_fracs_crops = pd.merge(od_fracs_crops, od_com_frac, how='left', on=[o_id_col,d_id_col]).fillna(0) del od_data_com, od_data_com_sums, od_com_frac return od_fracs_crops
[docs]def riceatlas_crop_minmax(riceatlas_crop_file,crop_month_fields): """Create MIN_MAX fractions of rice production estimates for provinces - By reading data from the RiceAtlas data - And estimating the minimum and maximum monthly values > 0 Parameters - riceatlas_crop_file - Shapefile with RiceAtlas data - crop_month_fields - List of strings of names of columns indicating rice monthly production Outputs rice_prod_months - Geopandas dataframe of RiceAtlas crop values - min_frac - minimum month of production as fraction of annual production - max_frac - maximum month of production as fraction of annual production """ rice_prod_months = gpd.read_file(riceatlas_crop_file) rice_prod_months['total_prod'] = rice_prod_months[crop_month_fields].sum(axis=1) rice_prod_months['min_tons'] = rice_prod_months[rice_prod_months[crop_month_fields] > 0].min( axis=1) rice_prod_months['max_tons'] = rice_prod_months[rice_prod_months[crop_month_fields] > 0].max( axis=1) rice_prod_months['min_frac'] = rice_prod_months['min_tons']/rice_prod_months['total_prod'] rice_prod_months['max_frac'] = rice_prod_months['max_tons']/rice_prod_months['total_prod'] return rice_prod_months
[docs]def assign_province_name_id_to_nodes(province_path,nodes_in,province_name_col,province_id_col): """Match the nodes to their province names and province IDs - By finding the province that contains or is nearest to the node Parameters - province_path - Path of province shapefile - nodes_in - Path of nodes shapefile - province_name_col - String name of column containing province names - province_id_col - String name of column containing province ID's that match VITRANSS 2 OD ids Outputs - nodes - Geopandas dataframe of nodes with new columns called province_name and od_id """ # load provinces and get geometry of the right province provinces = gpd.read_file(province_path) provinces = provinces.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) sindex_provinces = provinces.sindex # load nodes of the network nodes = gpd.read_file(nodes_in) nodes = nodes.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) nodes.columns = map(str.lower, nodes.columns) nodes['province_name'] = nodes.apply(lambda x: extract_gdf_values_containing_nodes( x, sindex_provinces, provinces,province_name_col), axis=1) nodes['od_id'] = nodes.apply(lambda x: extract_gdf_values_containing_nodes( x, sindex_provinces, provinces, province_id_col), axis=1) del provinces return nodes
[docs]def assign_road_weights(nodes,edges_in,aadt_column): """Assign weights to nodes on the road network - By finding the total AADT counts converging on the node Parameters - nodes - Geopandas dataframe of nodes - edges_in - Path of edges shapefile - aadt_column - String name of column containing AADT values Outputs - nodes - Geopandas dataframe of nodes with new column called weight """ edges_df = gpd.read_file(edges_in) edges_df.columns = map(str.lower, edges_df.columns) nodes_vehs = list(zip(edges_df['from_node'].values.tolist( ), edges_df['to_node'].values.tolist(), edges_df[aadt_column].values.tolist())) nd_veh_list = [] for nd in nodes['node_id'].values.tolist(): veh = 0.5*sum([int(v) for (f, t, v) in nodes_vehs if nd == f or nd == t]) nd_veh_list.append((nd, veh)) gdf_pops = pd.DataFrame(nd_veh_list, columns=['node_id', 'weight']) del nd_veh_list nodes = pd.merge(nodes, gdf_pops, how='left', on=['node_id']).fillna(0) del gdf_pops, edges_df return nodes
[docs]def assign_node_weights_by_commune_population_proximity(commune_path,nodes,commune_pop_col): """Assign weights to nodes based on their nearest commune populations - By finding the communes that intersect with the Voronoi extents of nodes Parameters - commune_path - Path of commune shapefile - nodes_in - Path of nodes shapefile - commune_pop_col - String name of column containing commune population values Outputs - nodes - Geopandas dataframe of nodes with new column called weight """ # load provinces and get geometry of the right communes within the provinces communes = gpd.read_file(commune_path) communes = communes.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) sindex_communes = communes.sindex # create Voronoi polygons for the nodes xy_list = [] for iter_, values in nodes.iterrows(): xy = list(values.geometry.coords) xy_list += [list(xy[0])] vor = Voronoi(np.array(xy_list)) regions, vertices = voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor) min_x = vor.min_bound[0] - 0.1 max_x = vor.max_bound[0] + 0.1 min_y = vor.min_bound[1] - 0.1 max_y = vor.max_bound[1] + 0.1 mins = np.tile((min_x, min_y), (vertices.shape[0], 1)) bounded_vertices = np.max((vertices, mins), axis=0) maxs = np.tile((max_x, max_y), (vertices.shape[0], 1)) bounded_vertices = np.min((bounded_vertices, maxs), axis=0) box = Polygon([[min_x, min_y], [min_x, max_y], [max_x, max_y], [max_x, min_y]]) poly_list = [] for region in regions: polygon = vertices[region] # Clipping polygon poly = Polygon(polygon) poly = poly.intersection(box) poly_list.append(poly) poly_index = list(np.arange(0, len(poly_list), 1)) poly_df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(poly_index, poly_list)), columns=['gid', 'geometry']) gdf_voronoi = gpd.GeoDataFrame(poly_df, crs='epsg:4326') gdf_voronoi['node_id'] = gdf_voronoi.apply( lambda x: extract_nodes_within_gdf(x, nodes, 'node_id'), axis=1) gdf_voronoi[commune_pop_col] = 0 gdf_voronoi = assign_value_in_area_proportions(communes, gdf_voronoi, commune_pop_col) gdf_voronoi.rename(columns={'population': 'weight'}, inplace=True) gdf_pops = gdf_voronoi[['node_id', 'weight']] del gdf_voronoi, poly_list, poly_df nodes = pd.merge(nodes, gdf_pops, how='left', on=['node_id']).fillna(0) del gdf_pops, communes return nodes
[docs]def assign_industry_od_flows_to_nodes(national_ods_df,ind_cols,modes_df,modes,od_fracs,o_id_col,d_id_col): """Assign VITRANSS 2 OD flows to nodes Parameters - national_ods_df - List of lists of Pandas dataframes - ind_cols - List of strings of names of indsutry columns - modes_df - List of Geopnadas dataframes with nodes of each transport mode - modes - List of strings of names of transport modes - od_fracs - Pandas dataframe of Industry OD flows and modal splits - o_id_col - String name of Origin province ID column - d_id_col - String name of Destination province ID column Outputs national_ods_df - List of Lists of Pandas dataframes with columns: - origin - Origin node ID - o_region - Origin province name - destination - Destination node ID - d_region - Destination province ID - ind - Tonnage values for the named industry """ for ind in ind_cols: national_ods_modes_df = [] for m in range(len(modes_df)): nodes = modes_df[m] od_nodes_regions = list(zip(nodes['node_id'].values.tolist(), nodes['province_name'].values.tolist( ), nodes['od_id'].values.tolist(), nodes['weight'].values.tolist())) ind_mode = modes[m] + '_' + ind od_fracs[ind_mode] = od_fracs[modes[m]]*od_fracs[ind] od_fracs_ind = od_fracs[[o_id_col, d_id_col, ind_mode]] od_fracs_ind = od_fracs_ind[od_fracs_ind[ind_mode] > 0] od_flows = list(zip(od_fracs_ind[o_id_col].values.tolist( ), od_fracs_ind[d_id_col].values.tolist(), od_fracs_ind[ind_mode].values.tolist())) origins = list(set(od_fracs_ind[o_id_col].values.tolist())) destinations = list(set(od_fracs_ind[d_id_col].values.tolist())) # print (od_flows) od_list = [] for o in origins: for d in destinations: fval = [fl for (org, des, fl) in od_flows if org == o and des == d] if len(fval) == 1 and fval[0] > 0: o_matches = [(item[0], item[1], item[3]) for item in od_nodes_regions if item[2] == o] if len(o_matches) > 0: for o_vals in o_matches: o_val = 1.0*fval[0]*(1.0*o_vals[2]) o_node = o_vals[0] o_region = o_vals[1] d_matches = [(item[0], item[1], item[3]) for item in od_nodes_regions if item[2] == d] if len(d_matches) > 0: for d_vals in d_matches: od_val = 1.0*o_val*(1.0*d_vals[2]) d_node = d_vals[0] d_region = d_vals[1] if od_val > 0 and o_node != d_node: od_list.append( (o_node, o_region, d_node, d_region, od_val)) national_ods_modes_df.append(pd.DataFrame( od_list, columns=['origin', 'o_region', 'destination', 'd_region', ind])) del od_list, nodes national_ods_df.append(national_ods_modes_df) return national_ods_df
[docs]def assign_daily_min_max_tons_rice(crop_df, rice_prod_df): """Estimate minimum and maximum daily rice tonnages Parameters - crop_df - Geopandas dataframe of crop points with annual tonnages - rice_prod_df - Geopandas dataframe of RiceAtlas crop values with minimum and maximum monthly production as fraction of annual production Outputs crop_df - Geopandas dataframe of crop points with new columns: - min_rice - Minimum daily rice tonnages - max_rice - Maximum daily rice tonnages """ sindex_rice_prod_df = rice_prod_df.sindex crop_df['min_frac'] = crop_df.geometry.apply( lambda x: get_nearest_node(x, sindex_rice_prod_df, rice_prod_df, 'min_frac')) crop_df['max_frac'] = crop_df.geometry.apply( lambda x: get_nearest_node(x, sindex_rice_prod_df, rice_prod_df, 'max_frac')) crop_df['min_rice'] = 1.0*crop_df['min_frac']*crop_df['tons']/30.0 crop_df['max_rice'] = 1.0*crop_df['max_frac']*crop_df['tons']/30.0 return crop_df
[docs]def assign_crop_od_flows_to_nodes(national_ods_df,province_path,province_name_col,calc_path, crop_data_path,crop_names,rice_prod_months,modes_df,modes,od_fracs_crops,o_id_col,d_id_col): """Assign IFPRI crop values to OD nodes based on VITRANSS 2 OD distributions - Based on VITRANSS 2 OD distributions Parameters - national_ods_df - List of lists of Pandas dataframes - province_path - Path of province shapefile - province_name_col - String name of column containing province names - calc_path - Path to store intermediary calculations - crop_data_path - Path to crop datasets - crop_names - List of string of crop names in IFPRI datasets - rice_prod_months - Geopandas dataframe of RiceAtlas crop values with minimum and maximum monthly production as fraction of annual production - modes_df - List of Geopnadas dataframes with nodes of each transport mode - modes - List of strings of names of transport modes - od_fracs_crops - Pandas dataframe of crop OD distributions and modal splits as per VITRANSS 2 data - o_id_col - String name of Origin province ID column - d_id_col - String name of Destination province ID column - Outputs national_ods_df - List of Lists of Pandas dataframes with columns: - origin - Origin node ID - o_region - Origin province name - destination - Destination node ID - d_region - Destination province ID - min_crop - Minimum Tonnage values for the named crop - max_crop - Maximum Tonnage values for the named crop """ # load provinces and get geometry of the right province provinces = gpd.read_file(province_path) provinces = provinces.to_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) sindex_provinces = provinces.sindex for file in os.listdir(crop_data_path): if file.endswith(".tif") and ('spam_p' in file.lower().strip()): fpath = os.path.join(crop_data_path, file) crop_name = [cr for cr in crop_names if cr in file.lower().strip()][0] outCSVName = os.path.join(calc_path, 'crop_concentrations.csv')["", '-csv', fpath, outCSVName]) # Load points and convert to geodataframe with coordinates load_points = pd.read_csv(outCSVName, header=None, names=[ 'x', 'y', 'tons'], index_col=None) load_points = load_points[load_points['tons'] > 0] geometry = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(load_points.x, load_points.y)] load_points = load_points.drop(['x', 'y'], axis=1) crop_points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(load_points, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, geometry=geometry) del load_points if crop_name == 'rice': crop_points = assign_daily_min_max_tons_rice(crop_points, rice_prod_months) else: crop_points['min_{}'.format(crop_name)] = 1.0*crop_points['tons']/365.0 crop_points['max_{}'.format(crop_name)] = 1.0*crop_points['tons']/365.0 crop_points['province_name'] = crop_points.apply(lambda x: extract_gdf_values_containing_nodes( x, sindex_provinces, provinces, province_name_col), axis=1) national_ods_modes_df = [] for m in range(len(modes_df)): nodes = modes_df[m] crop_pts = crop_points.copy(deep=True) crop_pts['node_id'] = crop_pts.apply(lambda x: get_nearest_node_within_region( x, nodes, 'node_id', 'province_name'), axis=1) crop_pts = crop_pts[crop_pts['node_id'] != ''] crop_pts = crop_pts[['node_id', 'min_{}'.format( crop_name), 'max_{}'.format(crop_name)]] crop_nodes = crop_pts.groupby(['node_id'])['min_{}'.format( crop_name), 'max_{}'.format(crop_name)].sum().reset_index() crop_nodes = crop_nodes.reset_index() del crop_pts nodes = pd.merge(nodes, crop_nodes, how='left', on=['node_id']).fillna(0) del crop_nodes crop_mode = modes[m] + '_' + crop_name if crop_name in ('rice', 'cereal', 'wheat'): od_fracs_crops[crop_mode] = od_fracs_crops[modes[m]]*od_fracs_crops['rice'] else: od_fracs_crops[crop_mode] = od_fracs_crops[modes[m]] * \ od_fracs_crops['indust-cro'] od_nodes_regions = list(zip(nodes['node_id'].values.tolist(), nodes['province_name'].values.tolist(), nodes['od_id'].values.tolist( ), nodes['min_{}'.format(crop_name)].values.tolist(), nodes['max_{}'.format(crop_name)].values.tolist(), nodes['weight'].values.tolist())) od_fracs_ind = od_fracs_crops[[o_id_col, d_id_col, crop_mode]] od_fracs_ind = od_fracs_ind[od_fracs_ind[crop_mode] > 0] od_flows = list(zip(od_fracs_ind[o_id_col].values.tolist( ), od_fracs_ind[d_id_col].values.tolist(), od_fracs_ind[crop_mode].values.tolist())) origins = list(set(od_fracs_ind[o_id_col].values.tolist())) destinations = list(set(od_fracs_ind[d_id_col].values.tolist())) od_list = [] for o in origins: for d in destinations: fval = [fl for (org, des, fl) in od_flows if org == o and des == d] if len(fval) == 1 and fval[0] > 0: o_matches = [(item[0], item[1], item[3], item[4]) for item in od_nodes_regions if item[2] == o] if len(o_matches) > 0: for o_vals in o_matches: o_val_min = 1.0*fval[0]*o_vals[2] o_val_max = 1.0*fval[0]*o_vals[3] o_node = o_vals[0] o_region = o_vals[1] d_matches = [(item[0], item[1], item[5]) for item in od_nodes_regions if item[2] == d] if len(d_matches) > 0: for d_vals in d_matches: od_val_min = 1.0*o_val_min*d_vals[2] od_val_max = 1.0*o_val_max*d_vals[2] d_node = d_vals[0] d_region = d_vals[1] if od_val_max > 0 and o_node != d_node: od_list.append( (o_node, o_region, d_node, d_region, od_val_min, od_val_max)) national_ods_modes_df.append(pd.DataFrame(od_list, columns=[ 'origin', 'o_region', 'destination', 'd_region', 'min_{}'.format(crop_name), 'max_{}'.format(crop_name)])) del od_list, nodes del crop_points national_ods_df.append(national_ods_modes_df) del provinces return national_ods_df
[docs]def main(): """Pre-process national OD matrix 1. Specify the paths from where to read and write: - Input data - Intermediate calcuations data - Output results 2. Supply input data and parameters - Names of modes: List of strings - OD column names in OD file: String types - Names of industry columns in VITRANSS2 data: List of string types - Names of crop columns in VITRANSS2 data: List of string types - Names of crops in IFPRI crop data: List of string types - Names of months in Rice Atlas data: List of string types 3. Give the paths to the input data files: - Network nodes files - VITRANSS 2 OD file - IFPRI crop data files - Rice Atlas data shapefile - Province boundary and stats data shapefile - Commune boundary and stats data shapefile 4. Specify the output files and paths to be created """ data_path, calc_path, output_path = load_config()['paths']['data'], load_config()[ 'paths']['calc'], load_config()['paths']['output'] # Supply input data and parameters modes = ['road', 'rail', 'air', 'inland', 'coastal'] o_id_col = 'o' d_id_col = 'd' ind_cols = ['sugar', 'wood', 'steel', 'constructi', 'cement', 'fertilizer', 'coal', 'petroluem', 'manufactur', 'fishery', 'meat'] crop_cols = ['rice', 'indust-cro'] crop_names = ['rice', 'cash', 'cass', 'teas', 'maiz', 'rubb', 'swpo', 'acof', 'rcof', 'pepp'] crop_month_fields = ['P_Jan', 'P_Feb', 'P_Mar', 'P_Apr', 'P_May', 'P_Jun', 'P_Jul', 'P_Aug', 'P_Sep', 'P_Oct', 'P_Nov', 'P_Dec'] # Give the paths to the input data files: network_data_path = os.path.join(data_path,'post_processed_networks') od_data_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'OD_data', 'OD_transport_data.xlsx') crop_data_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'Agriculture_crops', 'crop_data') rice_month_file = os.path.join(data_path, 'rice_atlas_vietnam', 'rice_production.shp') province_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'Vietnam_boundaries', 'boundaries_stats', 'province_level_stats.shp') commune_path = os.path.join(data_path, 'Vietnam_boundaries', 'boundaries_stats', 'commune_level_stats.shp') # Specify the output files and paths to be created output_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'flow_ods') if os.path.exists(output_dir) == False: os.mkdir(output_dir) flow_output_excel = os.path.join(output_dir,'national_scale_flow_ods.xlsx') excl_wrtr = pd.ExcelWriter(flow_output_excel) flow_output_excel = os.path.join(output_dir, 'national_scale_od_matrix.xlsx') excl_wrtr_reg = pd.ExcelWriter(flow_output_excel) # Get values for: # 1. VITRANSS2 OD by commidity and modal split # 2. IFPRI OD by crop type and modal split derived from VITRANSS 2 # 3. RiceAtlas MIN-MAX (> 0) seasonality estimates print ('* Creating OD dataframes') od_fracs = vitranss2_od_split(od_data_file,modes,o_id_col,d_id_col) od_fracs_crops = ifpri_crop_od_split(od_data_file,modes,o_id_col,d_id_col,crop_cols) rice_prod_months = riceatlas_crop_minmax(rice_month_file,crop_month_fields) # Assign weights to nodes to distribute OD values print ('* Assinging weights to nodes to distribute OD values') modes_df = [] for m in range(len(modes)): nodes_in,edges_in = get_node_edge_files(network_data_path,modes[m]) nodes = assign_province_name_id_to_nodes(province_path,nodes_in,'name_eng','od_id') if modes[m] == 'road': nodes = assign_road_weights(nodes,edges_in,'vehicle_co') elif modes[m] in ('inland', 'coastal'): nodes['weight'] = nodes['tons'] else: nodes = assign_node_weights_by_commune_population_proximity(commune_path,nodes,'population') nodes_sums = nodes.groupby(['od_id', 'node_id']).agg({'weight': 'sum'}) nodes_frac = nodes_sums.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x: x/float(x.sum())) nodes_frac = nodes_frac.reset_index(level=['od_id', 'node_id']) nodes.drop('weight', axis=1, inplace=True) nodes = pd.merge(nodes, nodes_frac[['node_id', 'weight']], how='left', on=['node_id']).fillna(0) modes_df.append(nodes) del nodes_frac, nodes_sums, nodes national_ods_df = [] # Assign the industry OD flows to nodes print ('* Assinging Industry OD flows to nodes') national_ods_df = assign_industry_od_flows_to_nodes(national_ods_df,ind_cols,modes_df,modes,od_fracs,o_id_col,d_id_col) # Assign the crop OD flows to nodes print ('* Assinging Crop OD flows to nodes') national_ods_df = assign_crop_od_flows_to_nodes(national_ods_df,province_path,'name_eng', calc_path,crop_data_path,crop_names,rice_prod_months,modes_df,modes,od_fracs_crops,o_id_col,d_id_col) # Store OD values in Excel Sheets to create: # 1. Node level OD flows # 2. Province level OD matrices print ('* Storing OD flows Excel sheets') national_ods_df = list(map(list, zip(*national_ods_df))) region_total = [] for m in range(len(modes_file_paths)): all_ods = pd.concat(national_ods_df[m], axis=0, sort='False', ignore_index=True).fillna(0) all_min_cols = ind_cols + ['min_{}'.format(c) for c in crop_names] all_ods['min_tons'] = all_ods[all_min_cols].sum(axis=1) all_max_cols = ind_cols + ['max_{}'.format(c) for c in crop_names] all_ods['max_tons'] = all_ods[all_max_cols].sum(axis=1) crops_norice = [cr for cr in crop_names if cr != 'rice'] for cr in crops_norice: all_ods.drop('min_{}'.format(cr), axis=1, inplace=True) all_ods.rename(columns={'max_{}'.format(cr): cr}, inplace=True) all_ods_val_cols = [c for c in all_ods.columns.values.tolist( ) if c not in ('origin', 'o_region', 'destination', 'd_region')] all_ods = all_ods.groupby(['origin', 'o_region', 'destination', 'd_region'])[ all_ods_val_cols].sum().reset_index() all_ods_regions = all_ods[['o_region', 'd_region'] + all_ods_val_cols] all_ods_regions = all_ods_regions.groupby(['o_region', 'd_region'])[ all_ods_val_cols].sum().reset_index() all_ods_regions.to_excel(excl_wrtr_reg, modes[m], index=False) region_total.append(all_ods_regions) del all_ods_regions all_ods = all_ods[all_ods['max_tons'] > 0.5] all_ods.to_excel(excl_wrtr, modes[m], index=False) del all_ods all_ods = pd.concat(region_total, axis=0, sort = 'False', ignore_index=True).fillna(0) all_ods_val_cols = [c for c in all_ods.columns.values.tolist() if c not in ('o_region','d_region')] all_ods_regions = all_ods.groupby(['o_region','d_region'])[all_ods_val_cols].sum().reset_index() all_ods_regions.to_excel(excl_wrtr_reg,'total', index = False)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()