Source code for vtra.stats.network_hazard_stats

"""Summarise per-hazard total intersections (for the whole system)


Collect network-hazard intersection attributes
    - Combine with boundary Polygons to collect network-boundary intersection attributes
    - Write final results to an Excel sheet

Input data requirements

1. Correct paths to all files and correct input parameters

2. Shapefiles of network-hazard intersections results with attributes:
    - edge_id or node_id - String/Integer/Float Edge ID or Node ID of network
    - length - Float length of edge intersecting with hazards
    - geometry - Shapely geometry of edges as LineString or nodes as Points

3. Shapefile of administrative boundaries of Vietnam with attributes:
    - province_i - String/Integer ID of Province
    - pro_name_e - String name of Province in English
    - district_i - String/Integer ID of District
    - dis_name_e - String name of District in English
    - commune_id - String/Integer ID of Commune
    - name_eng - String name of Commune in English
    - geometry - Shapely geometry of boundary Polygon


1. Excel sheet of network-hazard-boundary intersection with attributes:
    - edge_id/node_id - String name of intersecting edge ID or node ID
    - length - Float length of intersection of edge LineString and hazard Polygon: Only for edges
    - province_id - String/Integer ID of Province
    - province_name - String name of Province in English
    - district_id - String/Integer ID of District
    - district_name - String name of District in English
    - commune_id - String/Integer ID of Commune
    - commune_name - String name of Commune in English
import itertools
import os
import sys

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from vtra.utils import *
from vtra.transport_flow_and_failure_functions import *

[docs]def hazard_data_summary(hazard_network_dataframe,network_dataframe): df = pd.merge(network_dataframe,hazard_network_dataframe,how='left',on=['edge_id']).fillna(0) total_length = df.groupby(['edge_id'])['length'].max().sum() df['min_exposure_length'] = 0.001*df['min_exposure_length'] df['max_exposure_length'] = 0.001*df['max_exposure_length'] hazard_totals = df.groupby(['hazard_type','model','climate_scenario','year'])['min_exposure_length','max_exposure_length'].sum().reset_index() hazard_totals_min = hazard_totals.groupby(['hazard_type','climate_scenario','year'])['min_exposure_length'].max().reset_index() hazard_totals_min['Percentage (min)'] = hazard_totals_min['min_exposure_length']/total_length hazard_totals_max = hazard_totals.groupby(['hazard_type','climate_scenario','year'])['max_exposure_length'].max().reset_index() hazard_totals_max['Percentage (max)'] = hazard_totals_max['max_exposure_length']/total_length hazards = pd.merge(hazard_totals_min,hazard_totals_max,how='left',on=['hazard_type','climate_scenario','year']) hazards.rename(columns={'hazard_type':'Hazard Type','climate_scenario':'Climate Scenario','year':'Year'},inplace=True) return hazards
[docs]def main(): """Summarise 1. Specify the paths from where you to read and write: - Input data - Intermediate calcuations data - Output results 2. Supply input data and parameters - Names of the three Provinces - List of string types - Names of modes - List of strings - Names of output modes - List of strings - Names of hazard bands - List of integers - Names of hazard thresholds - List of integers - Condition 'Yes' or 'No' is the users wants to process results 3. Give the paths to the input data files: - Commune boundary and stats data shapefile - Hazard datasets description Excel file - String name of sheet in hazard datasets description Excel file 4. Specify the output files and paths to be created """ data_path, calc_path, output_path = load_config()['paths']['data'], load_config()[ 'paths']['calc'], load_config()['paths']['output'] # Supply input data and parameters provinces = ['Lao Cai','Binh Dinh','Thanh Hoa'] modes = ['road','rail'] out_modes = ['national_roads', 'national_rail', 'air_ports', 'inland_ports', 'sea_ports'] province_results = 'Yes' national_results = 'Yes' # Give the paths to the input data files hazard_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'hazard_scenarios') # Specify the output files and paths to be created output_dir = os.path.join(output_path, 'network_stats') if os.path.exists(output_dir) == False: os.mkdir(output_dir) # Process province scale results if province_results == 'Yes': print ('* Processing province scale results') data_excel = os.path.join( output_dir,'province_roads_hazard_intersection_summary_stats.xlsx') prov_excel_writer = pd.ExcelWriter(data_excel) for province in provinces: province_name = province.replace(' ', '').lower() province_data = pd.read_excel( os.path.join( data_path, 'post_processed_networks', 'province_roads_edges.xlsx' ),sheet_name=province_name ) hazard_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join( hazard_path, 'roads_hazard_intersections_{}_risks.csv'.format(province_name))) data_df = hazard_data_summary(hazard_data,province_data) data_df.to_excel(prov_excel_writer, province_name, index=False) del data_df # Process national scale results if national_results == 'Yes': print ('* Processing national scale results') data_excel = os.path.join( output_dir,'national_scale_hazard_intersection_summary_stats.xlsx') nat_excel_writer = pd.ExcelWriter(data_excel) for m in range(len(modes)): national_data = pd.read_excel( os.path.join( data_path, 'post_processed_networks', 'national_edges.xlsx' ),sheet_name=modes[m] ) hazard_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join( hazard_path, 'national_{}_hazard_intersections_risks.csv'.format(modes[m]))) data_df = hazard_data_summary(hazard_data,national_data) data_df.to_excel(nat_excel_writer, modes[m], index=False) del data_df
if __name__ == "__main__": main()