Source code for vtra.transport_flow_and_failure_functions

"""Functions used in the provincial and national-scale network failure analysis
import ast
import copy
import csv
import itertools
import math
import operator
import os
import sys

import igraph as ig
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from vtra.utils import *

[docs]def spatial_scenario_selection(network_shapefile, polygon_shapefile, hazard_dictionary, data_dictionary, network_type ='nodes',name_province =''): """Intersect network edges/nodes and boundary Polygons to collect boundary and hazard attributes Parameters - network_shapefile - Shapefile of edge LineStrings or node Points - polygon_shapefile - Shapefile of boundary Polygons - hazard_dictionary - Dictionary of hazard attributes - data_dictionary - Dictionary of network-hazard-boundary intersection attributes - network_type - String value -'edges' or 'nodes' - Default = 'nodes' - name_province - String name of province if needed - Default = '' Outputs data_dictionary - Dictionary of network-hazard-boundary intersection attributes: - edge_id/node_id - String name of intersecting edge ID or node ID - length - Float length of intersection of edge LineString and hazard Polygon: Only for edges - province_id - String/Integer ID of Province - province_name - String name of Province in English - district_id - String/Integer ID of District - district_name - String name of District in English - commune_id - String/Integer ID of Commune - commune_name - String name of Commune in English - hazard_attributes - Dictionary of all attributes from hazard dictionary """ line_gpd = gpd.read_file(network_shapefile) poly_gpd = gpd.read_file(polygon_shapefile) if len(line_gpd.index) > 0 and len(poly_gpd.index) > 0: line_gpd.columns = map(str.lower, line_gpd.columns) poly_gpd.columns = map(str.lower, poly_gpd.columns) if name_province != '': poly_gpd = poly_gpd[poly_gpd['pro_name_e'] == name_province] # create spatial index poly_sindex = poly_gpd.sindex poly_sindex = poly_gpd.sindex for l_index, lines in line_gpd.iterrows(): intersected_polys = poly_gpd.iloc[list( poly_sindex.intersection(lines.geometry.bounds))] for p_index, poly in intersected_polys.iterrows(): if (lines['geometry'].intersects(poly['geometry']) is True) and (poly.geometry.is_valid is True) and (lines.geometry.is_valid is True): if network_type == 'edges': value_dictionary = {'edge_id': lines['edge_id'], 'length': 1000.0*line_length(lines['geometry'].intersection(poly['geometry'])), 'province_id': poly['province_i'], 'province_name': poly['pro_name_e'], 'district_id': poly['district_i'], 'district_name': poly['dis_name_e'], 'commune_id': poly['commune_id'], 'commune_name': poly['name_eng']} elif network_type == 'nodes': value_dictionary = {'node_id': lines['node_id'], 'province_id': poly['province_i'], 'province_name': poly['pro_name_e'], 'district_id': poly['district_i'], 'district_name': poly['dis_name_e'], 'commune_id': poly['commune_id'], 'commune_name': poly['name_eng']} data_dictionary.append({**value_dictionary, **hazard_dictionary}) del line_gpd, poly_gpd return data_dictionary
[docs]def swap_min_max(x, min_col, max_col): """Swap columns if necessary """ if x[min_col] < 0 and x[max_col] < 0: if abs(x[min_col]) > abs(x[max_col]): return x[max_col], x[min_col] else: return x[min_col], x[max_col] else: if x[min_col] > x[max_col]: return x[max_col], x[min_col] else: return x[min_col], x[max_col]
[docs]def add_igraph_generalised_costs(G, vehicle_numbers, tonnage): #['max_cost'] = list(cost_param*(np.array(['length'])/np.array(['max_speed']))) #['min_cost'] = list(cost_param*(np.array(['length'])/np.array(['min_speed']))) # print (['max_time'])['max_gcost'] = list( vehicle_numbers * np.array(['max_time_cost']) + tonnage * np.array(['max_tariff_cost']) )['min_gcost'] = list( vehicle_numbers * np.array(['min_time_cost']) + tonnage * np.array(['min_tariff_cost']) ) return G
[docs]def network_od_path_estimations(graph, source, target, tonnage, vehicle_weight, cost_criteria, time_criteria): """Estimate the paths, distances, times, and costs for given OD pair Parameters --------- graph igraph network structure source String/Float/Integer name of Origin node ID source String/Float/Integer name of Destination node ID tonnage : float value of tonnage vehicle_weight : float unit weight of vehicle cost_criteria : str name of generalised cost criteria to be used: min_gcost or max_gcost time_criteria : str name of time criteria to be used: min_time or max_time fixed_cost : bool Returns ------- edge_path_list : list[list] nested lists of Strings/Floats/Integers of edge ID's in routes path_dist_list : list[float] estimated distances of routes path_time_list : list[float] estimated times of routes path_gcost_list : list[float] estimated generalised costs of routes """ if vehicle_weight == 0 and tonnage == 0: vehicle_weight = 1 tonnage = 1 elif vehicle_weight == 0 and tonnage > 0: vehicle_weight = tonnage graph = add_igraph_generalised_costs(graph, np.ceil( tonnage/vehicle_weight), tonnage) paths = graph.get_shortest_paths(source, target, weights=cost_criteria, output="epath") edge_path_list = [] path_dist_list = [] path_time_list = [] path_gcost_list = [] for path in paths: edge_path = [] path_dist = 0 path_time = 0 path_gcost = 0 if path: for n in path: edge_path.append([n]['edge_id']) path_dist +=[n]['length'] path_time +=[n][time_criteria] path_gcost +=[n][cost_criteria] edge_path_list.append(edge_path) path_dist_list.append(path_dist) path_time_list.append(path_time) path_gcost_list.append(path_gcost) return edge_path_list, path_dist_list, path_time_list, path_gcost_list
[docs]def write_flow_paths_to_network_files(save_paths_df, industry_columns,min_max_exist,gdf_edges, save_csv=True, save_shapes=True, shape_output_path='',csv_output_path=''): """Write results to Shapefiles Outputs ``gdf_edges`` - a shapefile with minimum and maximum tonnage flows of all commodities/industries for each edge of network. Parameters --------- save_paths_df Pandas DataFrame of OD flow paths and their tonnages industry_columns List of string names of all OD commodities/industries indentified min_max_exist List of string names of commodity/industry columns for which min-max tonnage column names already exist gdf_edges GeoDataFrame of network edge set save_csv Boolean condition to tell code to save created edge csv file save_shapes Boolean condition to tell code to save created edge shapefile shape_output_path Path where the output shapefile will be stored csv_output_path Path where the output csv file will be stored """ if save_shapes == False: gdf_edges.drop('geometry', axis=1, inplace=True) min_ind_cols = [] max_ind_cols = [] ch_min_ind_cols = [] ch_max_ind_cols = [] for ind in industry_columns: min_ind_cols.append('min_{}'.format(ind)) max_ind_cols.append('max_{}'.format(ind)) if ind in min_max_exist: ch_min_ind_cols.append('min_{}'.format(ind)) ch_max_ind_cols.append('max_{}'.format(ind)) else: ch_min_ind_cols.append(ind) ch_max_ind_cols.append(ind) for i in range(len(min_ind_cols)): gdf_edges[min_ind_cols[i]] = 0 gdf_edges[max_ind_cols[i]] = 0 for iter_, path in save_paths_df.iterrows(): min_path = path['min_edge_path'] max_path = path['max_edge_path'] gdf_edges.loc[gdf_edges['edge_id'].isin(min_path), min_ind_cols] += path[ch_min_ind_cols].values gdf_edges.loc[gdf_edges['edge_id'].isin(max_path), max_ind_cols] += path[ch_max_ind_cols].values for ind in industry_columns: gdf_edges['swap'] = gdf_edges.apply(lambda x: swap_min_max(x,'min_{}'.format(ind),'max_{}'.format(ind)), axis = 1) gdf_edges[['min_{}'.format(ind),'max_{}'.format(ind)]] = gdf_edges['swap'].apply(pd.Series) gdf_edges.drop('swap', axis=1, inplace=True) if save_shapes == True: gdf_edges.to_file(shape_output_path,encoding='utf-8') if save_csv == True: gdf_edges.to_csv(csv_output_path,index=False,encoding='utf-8') del gdf_edges, save_paths_df
[docs]def identify_all_failure_paths(network_df_in,edge_failure_set,flow_dataframe,path_criteria): """Identify all paths that contain an edge Parameters --------- network_df_in - Pandas DataFrame of network edge_failure_set - List of string edge ID's flow_dataframe - Pandas DataFrame of list of edge paths path_criteria - String name of column of edge paths in flow dataframe Outputs ------- network_df - Pandas DataFrame of network With removed edges edge_path_index - List of integer indexes Of locations of paths in flow dataframe """ edge_path_index = [] network_df = copy.deepcopy(network_df_in) for edge in edge_failure_set: network_df = network_df[network_df.edge_id != edge] edge_path_index += flow_dataframe.loc[flow_dataframe[path_criteria].str.contains( "'{}'".format(edge))].index.tolist() edge_path_index = list(set(edge_path_index)) return network_df, edge_path_index
[docs]def igraph_scenario_edge_failures_changing_tonnages(network_df_in, edge_failure_set, flow_dataframe, vehicle_weight, path_criteria, tons_criteria, cost_criteria, time_criteria): """Estimate network impacts of each failures When the tariff costs of each path depends on the changing tonnages Parameters --------- network_df_in - Pandas DataFrame of network edge_failure_set - List of string edge ID's flow_dataframe - Pandas DataFrame of list of edge paths vehicle_weight - Float weight of vehcile weight path_criteria - String name of column of edge paths in flow dataframe tons_criteria - String name of column of path tons in flow dataframe cost_criteria - String name of column of path costs in flow dataframe time_criteria - String name of column of path travel time in flow dataframe Returns ------- edge_failure_dictionary : list[dict] With attributes edge_id - String name or list of failed edges origin - String node ID of Origin of disrupted OD flow destination - String node ID of Destination of disrupted OD flow no_access - Boolean 1 (no reroutng) or 0 (rerouting) new_cost - Float value of estimated cost of OD journey after disruption new_distance - Float value of estimated distance of OD journey after disruption new_path - List of string edge ID's of estimated new route of OD journey after disruption new_time - Float value of estimated time of OD journey after disruption """ edge_fail_dictionary = [] network_df,edge_path_index = identify_all_failure_paths(network_df_in,edge_failure_set,flow_dataframe,path_criteria) if edge_path_index: if len(edge_failure_set) == 1: edge_failure_set = edge_failure_set[0] network_graph = ig.Graph.TupleList(network_df.itertuples( index=False), edge_attrs=list(network_df.columns)[2:]) for e in edge_path_index: origin = flow_dataframe.iloc[e]['origin'] destination = flow_dataframe.iloc[e]['destination'] origin_node = [x for x in network_graph.vs if x['name'] == origin] destination_node = [x for x in network_graph.vs if x['name'] == destination] if not origin_node or not destination_node: # no alternative path exists edge_fail_dictionary.append({'edge_id': edge_failure_set, 'origin': origin, 'destination': destination, 'new_path':[],'new_distance': 0, 'new_time': 0, 'new_cost': 0, 'no_access': 1}) else: tons = flow_dataframe.iloc[e][tons_criteria] vh_nums = math.ceil(1.0*tons/vehicle_weight) network_graph = add_igraph_generalised_costs( network_graph, vh_nums, tons) new_route = network_graph.get_shortest_paths( origin, destination, weights=cost_criteria, output='epath')[0] if not new_route: # no alternative path exists edge_fail_dictionary.append({'edge_id': edge_failure_set, 'origin': origin, 'destination': destination, 'new_path':[],'new_distance': 0, 'new_time': 0, 'new_cost': 0, 'no_access': 1}) else: new_dist = 0 new_time = 0 new_gcost = 0 new_path = [] for n in new_route: new_dist +=[n]['length'] new_time +=[n][time_criteria] new_gcost +=[n][cost_criteria] new_path.append([n]['edge_id']) edge_fail_dictionary.append({'edge_id': edge_failure_set, 'origin': origin, 'destination': destination, 'new_path':new_path,'new_distance': new_dist, 'new_time': new_time, 'new_cost': new_gcost, 'no_access': 0}) return edge_fail_dictionary
[docs]def igraph_scenario_edge_failures(network_df_in, edge_failure_set, flow_dataframe, vehicle_weight, path_criteria, tons_criteria, cost_criteria, time_criteria): """Estimate network impacts of each failures When the tariff costs of each path are fixed by vehicle weight Parameters --------- network_df_in - Pandas DataFrame of network edge_failure_set - List of string edge ID's flow_dataframe - Pandas DataFrame of list of edge paths vehicle_weight - Float weight of vehcile weight path_criteria - String name of column of edge paths in flow dataframe tons_criteria - String name of column of path tons in flow dataframe cost_criteria - String name of column of path costs in flow dataframe time_criteria - String name of column of path travel time in flow dataframe Returns ------- edge_failure_dictionary : list[dict] With attributes edge_id - String name or list of failed edges origin - String node ID of Origin of disrupted OD flow destination - String node ID of Destination of disrupted OD flow no_access - Boolean 1 (no reroutng) or 0 (rerouting) new_cost - Float value of estimated cost of OD journey after disruption new_distance - Float value of estimated distance of OD journey after disruption new_path - List of string edge ID's of estimated new route of OD journey after disruption new_time - Float value of estimated time of OD journey after disruption """ edge_fail_dictionary = [] network_df,edge_path_index = identify_all_failure_paths(network_df_in,edge_failure_set,flow_dataframe,path_criteria) if edge_path_index: if len(edge_failure_set) == 1: edge_failure_set = edge_failure_set[0] network_graph = ig.Graph.TupleList(network_df.itertuples( index=False), edge_attrs=list(network_df.columns)[2:]) network_graph = add_igraph_generalised_costs( network_graph, 1, vehicle_weight) nodes_name = np.asarray([x['name'] for x in network_graph.vs]) select_flows = flow_dataframe[flow_dataframe.index.isin(edge_path_index)] no_access = select_flows[(~select_flows['origin'].isin(nodes_name)) | ( ~select_flows['destination'].isin(nodes_name))] if len(no_access.index) > 0: for iter_, value in no_access.iterrows(): edge_fail_dictionary.append({'edge_id': edge_failure_set, 'origin': value['origin'], 'destination': value['destination'], 'new_path':[],'new_distance': 0, 'new_time': 0, 'new_cost': 0, 'no_access': 1}) po_access = select_flows[(select_flows['origin'].isin(nodes_name)) & ( select_flows['destination'].isin(nodes_name))] if len(po_access.index) > 0: po_access = po_access.set_index('origin') origins = list(set(po_access.index.values.tolist())) for origin in origins: destinations = po_access.loc[[origin], 'destination'].values.tolist() paths = network_graph.get_shortest_paths( origin, destinations, weights=cost_criteria, output="epath") for p in range(len(paths)): if len(paths[p]) > 0: new_dist = 0 new_time = 0 new_gcost = 0 new_path = [] for n in paths[p]: new_dist +=[n]['length'] new_time +=[n][time_criteria] new_gcost +=[n][cost_criteria] new_path.append([n]['edge_id']) edge_fail_dictionary.append({'edge_id': edge_failure_set, 'origin': origin, 'destination': destinations[p], 'new_path':new_path,'new_distance': new_dist, 'new_time': new_time, 'new_cost': new_gcost, 'no_access': 0}) else: edge_fail_dictionary.append({'edge_id': edge_failure_set, 'origin': origin, 'destination': destinations[p], 'new_path':[],'new_distance': 0, 'new_time': 0, 'new_cost': 0, 'no_access': 1}) return edge_fail_dictionary
[docs]def rearrange_minmax_values(edge_failure_dataframe): """Write results to Shapefiles Parameters --------- edge_failure_dataframe : pandas.DataFrame with min-max columns Returns ------- edge_failure_dataframe : pandas.DataFrame With columns where min < max """ failure_columns = edge_failure_dataframe.columns.values.tolist() failure_columns = [f for f in failure_columns if f != ('edge_id','no_access')] industry_columns = list(set([f.split('min_')[1] for f in failure_columns if 'min' in f])) for ind in industry_columns: edge_failure_dataframe['swap'] = edge_failure_dataframe.apply(lambda x: swap_min_max( x, 'min_{}'.format(ind), 'max_{}'.format(ind)), axis=1) edge_failure_dataframe[['min_{}'.format(ind), 'max_{}'.format(ind)] ] = edge_failure_dataframe['swap'].apply(pd.Series) edge_failure_dataframe.drop('swap', axis=1, inplace=True) return edge_failure_dataframe
[docs]def network_failure_assembly_shapefiles(edge_failure_dataframe, gdf_edges, save_edges=True, shape_output_path=''): """Write results to Shapefiles Outputs gdf_edges - a Shapefile with results of edge failure dataframe Parameters --------- edge_failure_dataframe Pandas DataFrame of edge failure results gdf_edges GeoDataFrame of network edge set with edge ID's and geometry save_edges : bool Boolean condition to tell code to save created edge shapefile shape_output_path : str Path where the output shapefile will be stored """ failure_columns = edge_failure_dataframe.columns.values.tolist() failure_columns = [f for f in failure_columns if f != 'edge_id'] for fc in failure_columns: gdf_edges[fc] = 0 for iter_, row in edge_failure_dataframe.iterrows(): # print (row[1:]) gdf_edges.loc[gdf_edges['edge_id'] == row['edge_id'], failure_columns] = row[failure_columns].values industry_columns = list(set([f.split('min_')[1] for f in failure_columns if 'min' in f])) for ind in industry_columns: gdf_edges['swap'] = gdf_edges.apply(lambda x: swap_min_max( x, 'min_{}'.format(ind), 'max_{}'.format(ind)), axis=1) gdf_edges[['min_{}'.format(ind), 'max_{}'.format(ind)] ] = gdf_edges['swap'].apply(pd.Series) gdf_edges.drop('swap', axis=1, inplace=True) if save_edges == True: gdf_edges.to_file(shape_output_path) del gdf_edges, edge_failure_dataframe
[docs]def edge_failure_sampling(failure_scenarios,edge_column): """Criteria for selecting failure samples Parameters --------- failure_scenarios - Pandas DataFrame of failure scenarios edge_column - String name of column to select failed edge ID's Returns ------- edge_failure_samples - List of lists of failed edge sets """ edge_failure_samples = list(set(failure_scenarios[edge_column].values.tolist())) return edge_failure_samples
[docs]def merge_failure_results(flow_df_select,failure_df,tons_col,dist_col,time_col,cost_col,vehicle_col,changing_tonnages=True): """Merge failure results with flow results Parameters --------- flow_df_select : pandas.DataFrame edge flow values failure_df : pandas.DataFrame edge failure values tons_col : str name of column of tonnages in flow dataframe dist_col : str name of column of distance in flow dataframe time_col : str name of column of time in flow dataframe cost_col : str name of column of cost in flow dataframe vehicle_col : str name of column of vehicle counts in flow dataframe changing_tonnages : bool Returns ------- flow_df_select : pandas.DataFrame Of edge flow and failure values merged """ flow_df_select = pd.merge(flow_df_select, failure_df, on=[ 'origin', 'destination'], how='left').fillna(0) flow_df_select = flow_df_select[(flow_df_select[tons_col] > 0) & (flow_df_select['edge_id'] != 0)] flow_df_select['dist_diff'] = (1 - flow_df_select['no_access'])*(flow_df_select['new_distance'] - flow_df_select[dist_col]) flow_df_select['time_diff'] = (1 - flow_df_select['no_access'])*(flow_df_select['new_time'] - flow_df_select[time_col]) if changing_tonnages == True: flow_df_select['tr_loss'] = (1 - flow_df_select['no_access']) * (flow_df_select['new_cost'] - flow_df_select[cost_col]) else: flow_df_select['tr_loss'] = (1 - flow_df_select['no_access'])*flow_df_select[vehicle_col]*(flow_df_select['new_cost'] - flow_df_select[cost_col]) return flow_df_select