vtra.mrio package


vtra.mrio.functions module

MRIO utility functions

aggregate_table(vnm_IO, vnm_IO_rowcol, in_million=True)[source]

Aggregate national Input-Output table to the amount of sectors used in the multiregional Input-Output table.

  • vnm_IO - pandas dataframe of national Input-Output table
  • vnm_IO_rowcol - pandas dataframe with all sectors in the national Input-Output table
  • in_million - Specify whether we want to divide the table by 1000000, to have values in millions. The default value is set to True
  • pandas Dataframe with aggregated national Input-Output table
create_indices(data_path, provinces, write_to_csv=True)[source]

Create list of indices required to disaggregate the national table to the different regions.

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • provinces - pandas DataFrame with provincial/regional data
  • write_to_csv - Boolean to specify whether you want to save output to .csv files. The default value is set to True
  • set of .csv files with indices proxy data
create_level14_proxies(data_path, od_table, own_production_ratio=0.8, write_to_csv=True)[source]

Function to create the level14 proxies, required to disaggregate the national table.

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • od_table - pandas DataFrame with the Origin-Destination matrix
  • own_production_ratio - Specify how much supply and demand is locally supplied and used, and how much is imported/exported. The default is set to 0.8
  • write_to_csv - Boolean to specify whether you want to save output to .csv files. The default value is set to True
  • set of .csv files with level 14 proxy data
create_proxies(data_path, notrade=False, own_production_ratio=0.9, min_rice=True)[source]

Create all proxies required in the disaggregation process.

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • notrade - Boolean to specify whether we should include trade in the disaggregation. This should be set to True in the first step of the disaggregation. The default is set to False
  • min_rice - Boolean to determine whether you want to use the minimal rice value or the maximum rice value from the flow analysis. The default is set to True
  • own_production_ratio - Specify how much supply and demand is locally supplied and used, and how much is imported/exported. The default is set to 0.8
  • all proxy level .csv files.
create_regional_proxy(data_path, regions, write_to_csv=True)[source]

Function to create the proxy to disaggregate the national table to the different regions.

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • regions - pandas DataFrame with provincial/regional data
  • write_to_csv - Boolean to specify whether you want to save output to .csv files. The default value is set to True
  • set of .csv files with regional proxy data
create_sector_proxies(data_path, regions, write_to_csv=True)[source]

Create sector proxies required to disaggregate the national table to the different sectors in each region.

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • regions - pandas DataFrame with provincial/regional data
  • write_to_csv - Boolean to specify whether you want to save output to .csv files. The default value is set to True
  • set of .csv files with sector proxy data
create_zero_proxies(data_path, od_table, notrade=False, write_to_csv=True)[source]

Function to create the trade proxies, required to disaggregate the national table.

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • od_table - pandas DataFrame with the Origin-Destination matrix
  • notrade - Boolean to specify whether we should include trade in the disaggregation. This should be set to True in the first step of the disaggregation. The default is set to False
  • write_to_csv - Boolean to specify whether you want to save output to .csv files. The default value is set to True
  • set of .csv files with level 14 proxy data
estimate_gva(regions, in_million=True)[source]

Functions to estimate the Gross Value Added for each sector in each province.

  • regions - pandas DataFrame with provincial/regional data
  • list with GVA values per sector in each province

Return the list of sectors to be used in the new multiregional Input-Output table.

  • list of sectors
get_trade_value(x, sum_use, sector, own_production_ratio=0.8)[source]

Function to get the trade value between a certain origin and destination.

  • x - row in Origin-Destination dataframe
  • sum_use - total use in a certain destination
  • own_production_ratio - Specify how much supply and demand is locally supplied and used, and how much is imported/exported. The default is set to 0.8
  • returns trade value

Function to check if Input-Output table is balanced.

  • io_table - Input-Output table.
  • return print statement if table is balanced.
load_od(data_path, min_rice=True)[source]

Load national Origin-Destination matrix as pandas DataFrame.

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • min_rice - Boolean to determine whether you want to use the minimal rice value or the maximum rice value from the flow analysis. The default is set to True
  • pandas DataFrame with national Origin-Destination matrix
load_output(data_path, provinces, notrade=True)[source]

Read output from disaggregation process and translate to usable pandas DataFrame

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • provinces - pandas DataFrame with provincial/regional data
  • notrade - Boolean to specify whether we should include trade in the disaggregation. This should be set to True in the first step of the disaggregation. The default is set to False
  • pandas DataFrame with disaggregated Input-Output table

Load shapefile with provincial-level data.

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • geopandas GeoDataFrame with provincial data.

Load national Input-Output table and extracted all sectors

  • data_path - String name of data path
  • pandas Dataframe with all sectors in national Input-Output table

Load national Input-Output table as pandas dataframe.

  • file_path - String name of data path
  • pandas Dataframe with Input-Output table that is going to be used

Create dictionary to map regions to consistent format.

  • dictionary to map regions to consistent format

Convert vietnamese sector names to simple sector classification.

  • dictionary to map vietnamese sectors to simple sector names.

Map the sectors of the loaded national Input-Output table to the sectors which are going to used in the multiregional Input-Output table.

  • vnm_IO_rowcol - pandas dataframe with all sectors in the national Input-Output table.
  • dictionary to map row sectors
  • dictionary to map column sectors

Create dictionary to map products from national Origin-Destination matrix to sector classification for the Input-Output table.

  • od_table - pandas DataFrame with the Origin-Destination matrix
  • dictionary to map goods to sectors.

vtra.mrio.ras_method module

RAS Method


Estimate a new matrix X with exogenously given row and column totals that is a close as possible to a given original matrix X0 using the Generalized RAS (GRAS) approach


X = gras(X0, u, v) OR [X, r, s] = gras(X0, u, v) with or without eps included as the fourth argument, where


  • X0 = benchmark (base) matrix, not necessarily square
  • u = column vector of (new) row totals
  • v = column vector of (new) column totals
  • eps = convergence tolerance level; if empty, the default threshold is 0.1e-5 (=0.000001)


  • X = estimated/adjusted/updated matrix
  • r = substitution effects (row multipliers)
  • s = fabrication effects (column multipliers)


  1. Junius T. and J. Oosterhaven (2003), The solution of updating or regionalizing a matrix with both positive and negative entries, Economic Systems Research, 15, pp. 87-96.
  2. Lenzen M., R. Wood and B. Gallego (2007), Some comments on the GRAS method, Economic Systems Research, 19, pp. 461-465.
  3. Temurshoev, U., R.E. Miller and M.C. Bouwmeester (2013), A note on the GRAS method, Economic Systems Research, 25, pp. 361-367.

Extract projection, data bands numbers and valuees from raster

  • file_path - String name of input GeoTff file path
  • counts - Number of bans in raster
  • crs - Projection system of raster
  • data_vals - Numpy array of raster values
ras_method(X0, u, v, eps=1e-05)[source]

Extract projection, data bands numbers and valuees from raster

  • file_path - String name of input GeoTff file path
  • counts - Number of bans in raster
  • crs - Projection system of raster
  • data_vals - Numpy array of raster values

vtra.mrio.run_mrio module


mrio_to_excel(Xin, min_rice=True)[source]

Save the newly created multiregional Input-Output table to Excel, in the format required for the MRIA calculation.

  • Xin - pandas DataFrame of the new multiregional Input-Output table
  • min_rice - Boolean to determine whether you want to use the minimal rice value or the maximum rice value from the flow analysis. The default is set to True
  • .xlsx file with the multiregional Input-Output table
run_mrio_disaggregate(notrade=False, min_rice=True, own_production_ratio=0.8)[source]

This function will disaggregate the (single-region) national Input-Output table to a provincial multiregional Input-Output table

  • notrade - Boolean to specify whether we should include trade in the disaggregation. This should be set to True in the first step of the disaggregation. The default is set to False
  • min_rice - Boolean to determine whether you want to use the minimal rice value or the maximum rice value from the flow analysis. The default is set to True
  • own_production_ratio - Specify how much supply and demand is locally supplied and used, and how much is imported/exported. The default is set to 0.8
  • .csv file containing the new multiregional Input-Output table.
  • pandas DataFrame with a multiregional Input-Output table